Starting Mobility - Hova E-Book


Starting Mobility - Hova is an accessible and easy program for shoulder mobility that any athlete can add to their current program. The package includes and introduction to how the program can be integrated, and a full 5 weeks of shoulder mobility programming.

As an athlete, the ability to move is paramount to the amount of power and force you can generate. The body is designed to do some amazing things. For all the running, jumping, lifting, throwing, and playing we are built for, it is not built for the hours and hours we all spend sitting down. This is a necessary evil. We have jobs and we don't hunt for our food every day; which is great because honestly I like my computer and air conditioned house. With the evolution of our jobs to being less and less physically demanding, we need to make sure that we are keeping mobile where it counts. The shoulders are a key to success in my chosen sports, and they are aIso a joint where I have trouble with pain-free movement. Shoulders are also a big culprit for mobility issues with a lot of the athletes I come across. They can't get into position to throw, press or even squat. Even if they do, they have sacrificed good positions from which they can generate force. I put this together to be a guide for getting your shoulders back. Like Hova says, "get that dirt off your shoulder." Grab a copy and let's get to work.

Click Here for Associated Video Guide to Starting Mobility Movements (It's Neat)

$ 5.00